The David Ross Education Trust

David Ross Education Trust schools create a rich and exciting learning environment that inspires students to become their confident, academic best.

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Charnwood College

Charnwood College broadens the horizons of all students through high academic standards and unrivalled enrichment opportunities. Developing respectful, confident, articulate and motivated students.



At the heart of Charnwood College is our house system, a pastoral support network that nurtures and drives students to achieve the best they can.

All students and staff belong to one of the five houses (Atlantis, Challenge, Discovery, Endeavour, Venture) which are led by dedicated House Leaders and elected House Captains who are responsible for closely monitoring the personal and academic development of its members.

Within each House the older students are able to develop their leadership skills by mentoring the younger students, helping with key areas such as transition into the College.

Throughout the year students from each house participate in a highly competitive house competition; this incorporates year-long house point collections and attendance scores, but also major competitions such as sports day, and smaller tutor group challenges from quizzes to tug of war championships. Each of our houses also support individual charities, with many sponsored events carried out to promote awareness and to raise funds for these valuable causes.